Enjoy the art of design and painting with Tesu

Join our workshops and create unique works of art in a relaxed and inspiring atmosphere.

Eco-friendly products

Unique ceramics, ecological candles and soaps

Working with clay is the perfect way to bond with your co-workers, family or friends, providing an opportunity to create unforgettable memories together.

In the Tesu ceramic studio, you can choose the desired topic and completely switch off from everyday stress while creating something beautiful and practical. The workshops are adapted to groups of 4 to 12 participants, ensuring that everyone gets attention and enjoys the creative process in an intimate and comfortable atmosphere.

We also offer services tailored to your needs, from creating special fragrances to custom packaging for your special events. Feel free to contact us via email at tesuecofriendly@gmail.com for any questions or reservations. We look forward to working with you!



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Radionica keramike kod Suzi i Tee bila je fantastično iskustvo! Atmosfera je opuštena i prijateljska, a obje su prave majstorice svog zanata. Kroz svaki korak su nas vodile strpljivo i s puno pažnje, a istovremeno su nas poticale da budemo kreativni i uživamo u procesu. Sigurno se vidimo opet 😘😘


Radionica keramike kod Suzi i Tee je super za opuštanje i kreativno izražavanje! Njihov pristup je toliko opušten i odmah se osjećaš kao dio ekipe. Sve preporuke i vidimo se opet! 🤗

A Guide to Ceramics

My ceramic cookware is a durable and versatile choice for your dining needs. It is strong and does not crack easily. Here are some tips to ensure that your ceramics remain in excellent condition even after hundreds of uses:
Naš kreativni rast: Edukacija kod Anne Morgado u Hamburgu
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